Monday, July 28, 2014

Roots of Damnation: Article IV - Brutal Foundations

*Note: It is not my intention to alter your beliefs; merely to empower you with the knowledge of other ideas that exist. In the long run, many others are thinking it, I’m just saying it. The posts to follow indefinitely are pieces of a larger text in which beliefs and knowledge may be challenged. In a world where knowledge is power, I am only offering a gift of knowing that you may use to empower yourself. 

Previous Articles: I, II, III
By now, that last article has surely sunk-in, and you've probably adopted some thoughts of your own. I’m sure a few of you even decided that I’m nuts and you will never read a thing I write again. Well, that’s fine to. We can only lead horses to water… we can’t force them to drink.
For those of you who have expanded your mind and understand that knowledge is freedom, Namaste, and thanks for sticking around.
Exploring some of the darker cavities of the Nation’s “damning”, I would kindly remind everyone that we are seeking validity of the idea that America is cursed. And, I’m going to ask you this:
What kind of things do you perceive to be damning?
As your average person, I am instantly reminded of our arrival on this continent. It wasn’t long after appearance in this region that we set about conquering and slaughtering the natives; stealing their land; secluding the remaining population to reservations; and then profiting from the stolen land by claiming ownership of it (BY FORCE), by selling it back to the very people who fought and died to obtain it.
And if my recollection serves me accurately,  PLAGUE was the number one killer of the native populations, responsible for 90% of the eradication. Whole civilizations were wiped out of existence when our ancestors arrived with diseases to which natives had no immunity.
Isn’t it interesting that this very situation exists at our southern borders? It was BIOLOGICAL WARFARE then, and it’s the same thing now. But that’s for another time.
Are we cursed? Was the annihilation of a people something that might have pissed off some powerful chief? Speculating, I assure you.
Now, once we get the natives in line and relocated to where we could tolerate them, we put some energy into slavery—again, dominating a society of people and forcing them to comply.
Among that community, VOODOO was the choice magic discreetly practiced. Perhaps some servant didn’t approve of the lifestyle, and could be capable of cursing the nation through voodoo? It sounds cool. But that doesn't necessarily make it true. So let’s move on.
As if those two events were not enough on the American conscience, we then advance to the witch trials—folks hunted down and murdered on account of their practice of magic. The ridiculous part of this one carried out tortures to make people confess their association to evil. The theory with these tests was that IF one survived, they were guilty of witchcraft, and would be killed…some…other…way… I suppose. HOWEVER, if the subject died before confessing to being a witch, clearly they were NOT a witch.
But we ALL know witches LOVE to cast spells and curse people, right? Maybe they didn’t approve of being burned, drowned, hanged, beaten, and who knows what else; and THEY cast a spell.
The bad stuff doesn’t end with these events either. American history is littered with repetitive GENOCIDE that encompasses nearly every original ancestor race of the nation at some point in time.  So perhaps, as collective agents of HUMAN BEINGS that have been slaughtered by the ignorance of the nation, there very well could be a curse with so much fuel behind it.
One theory indicates a curse right in the bible. In his works Is America Cursed by God, Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Reporter, Texe Marrs, refers  to the message in the bible warning us of our doom. According to his writing, in Daniel 5:25-27, we are told
God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it. Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.”
Yikes! And I don’t even roll that way.
Marrs certainly goes the distance in including scripture to further back up his claim. However, there’s more to it. Texe Marrs, who is the minister of Power of Prophecy Minisitries and American writer based out of Texas, asserts this verse to have been levied upon our nation in 1948 when America aided in the establishment of Israel in the Middle East. His words, not mine!
He states:
“By our assisting the endtime rise of wicked ‘Sodom and Egypt,’ America has become a pariah nation in God’s eyes, a rebellious entity, and a vessel fit for destruction”
That kinda hurt. I don’t entirely disagree with him, though. Especially as Mr. Marrs recounts the cesspool of humanity that America has become. He speaks of the “joyless existence” we live as we pursue wealth and material possession—I’m summarizing immensely, but he makes excellent points on the ways in which we’re marching towards “hell in a hand basket”
Now, are these the occurrences that Daniel 5:25-27 truly reference?
I’ve only read theBible—never studied it. But I’m always intrigued when things overlap, because they serve to remind us that we are all one, and we are all in this together.
That said, I agree with some of Mr. Marrs’ ideas—as far as our society being a classless, and blood sucking beings that’ve discovered amazing gifts and capabilities over our environment; and are abusing those powers.
In my community, this is equivalent to meddling with your KARMIC DEBT, or testing the Law of Three. What you put out will come back to you. If that something was really horrible, well, let’s just say I don’t want to stand too close to you.  
Well, with the majority of the world in an unbalanced chaos, curse or not, nature always finds a way to regain balance. The last time I reflected on nature’s balance-checking, I noticed there was some radiation filling our oceans, and polluting the resources there. I’ve seen catastrophic weather wipe out whole communities. But worst of all, I’ve seen evidence that nature has taken this entire planet out more than five times before.
Sure, I find myself wondering if a curse could exist due to our brutal and invasive past. Who can help asking themselves if we've been cursed by God or some angered spirit, or collective thereof. Are our days numbered by an even bigger threat? More is on the way in this series, so keep checking back to see the latest. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Roots of Damnation: Article III - The Lab Rat Society

*Note: It is not my intention to alter your beliefs; merely to empower you with the knowledge of other ideas that exist. In the long run, many others are thinking it, I’m just saying it. The posts to follow indefinitely are pieces of a larger text in which beliefs and knowledge may be challenged. In a world where knowledge is power, I am only offering a gift of knowing that you may use to empower yourself. 
Previous Articles: I, II
Satanism is a network that interacts with the beings that are controlling
our vibrational state from a frequency above us
– David Icke
More than once in this series, we’ve addressed the fact that one of the oldest studies of the human race has been conducted in the field of BEHAVIOR CONTROL. With this in mind, one can surmise quickly that it will take more than a single device to control an entire population—especially one so considerably diverse as America.
Well, let’s analyze some of the means of control. Now, many of you will readily agree that dependency is created and further established by the government programs (which provide perks such as free cell phones, cable television, welfare, advanced education, medical coverage, etc). While, all well-intended programs, they are, nonetheless, harmful to an independent society. So let’s not beat that dead horse.
Instead, let’s address things like the diminishing educational system. Granted we never had the best, but then we had Common Core implemented. This curriculum is the epitome of micromanagement; taking an already simple concept such as a two-step problem and simplifying it into so many individual steps it leaves your mind numb.  In many cases, if the procedure is not followed, regardless of the student’s answer, it’s marked wrong.
Indoctrinated by both a lack of truth in material and a micromanagement procedural approach, the brains of our children are lessened for a reason.  The quality of our country’s educational system is preparing our children to be able to push buttons without question.
And because schools have such adequate time with children at all the pivotal points in their youth, it is now very common to find core material praising Obama as a savior of the people; spotlighting and practicing Muslim “awareness and sensitivity” courses; and selectively teaching the U.S. Constitution. Students who rebel – or even THINK about rebellion – find themselves condemned and chastised—shun to the general populace. There have even been reports of students being punished for questioning the teacher who was WRONG.
Starting at the earliest age, our society has crushed the competitive and creative nature of children by promoting failure as a success in an everybody-gets-a-trophy-society. Now to most, it seems to make sense that from failure comes a lesson and we strive to apply that lesson until we hit our target. However, in a world where everyone gets a trophy – win or lose – I still win, so why fucking bother? I’m sorry. Public school education and all. ;)
What I mean is, there comes a certain feeling with winning and losing – it’s called pride. And, it either gets a boost or a swift kick in the nuts. BOTH of those come with feelings. And without having to experience those feelings, children take a blindness to the emotions of winning and losing and instead shrug it off. Their “survival mode” is being expunged. Why? Or, hey, why not? Oh that’s right, because scientists keep DNA around from beings that really shouldn’t be kept around. But let’s stay focused.
Now, without a need to experience those feelings children have more time to sit in front of the computers, games, and other colorful and lively electronics that satisfy the brain’s desire for creativity. Best part it, it requires them to do nothing more than push some buttons.  See what I did there?
 Suffice it to say, we’re just not done screwing with the generation of children before us. We further push ideas of equality across the board, which I think is awesome. I think I’m skeptical that such a world could ever exist, but hey, I like to fantasize. In this equality campaign, though, we are more openly exposed to a variety of divisive tactics that orbit “gender confusion” and a surmounting growth in the education of all things related to the subject in order to create sensitivity to topic.
I should probably interject at this point before you get some silly idea about what I may or may not believe in. I fully support your right to do whatever you want to do so long as it doesn’t harm someone else. I love all people for who they are and no matter what baggage they carry. I do the divine thing and treat people as they treat me and as I would want to be treated. I would go as far as to say, can people really help who they fall in love with; or is it more likely that our ideas of what love really is have been so perverted that we fail to acknowledge that nature does it, too? Food for thought.
However, as gender roles become less clear, children do not learn to make the connections and distinctions between “masculine” traits and “feminine” traits. They are unable to identify with a role that seems to fit their persona. Again, division amongst the ranks rises as those “survival mode” carrier-children begin to infringe upon the population of “confused” children in the form of bullying.
So threatened by the idea of bullying, the society leans towards exposing and chastising the behavior, and demonstrating the horrific effects of continued tactics. To many it seems bringing awareness and “preventative” efforts forward, we can nip bullying right in the bud. Umm… maybe this is old-fashioned thinking, but why not just have all the students take a class in martial arts? Why not bring back PE and get our kids learning some simple steps in competition? Why do kids spend 8 hours a day in a class room – and NOT have time for PE, Music, Art, and other creative education time? We have made bullying the repression of our children’s generation, and we are witnessing the pussification of America. But we’re not done yet.
From gender confusion to a lack of outlets for simply being a child – you know, all that hyper stuff; the bouncing off the wall stuff? It’s called being a kid. Somewhere along the line of removing the outlets for their energy, we thought that “having better” meant indoctrinating a value placed on having a lifelong career working 9-5, Monday through Friday, in a cube. So we plant them in front of devices for education, entertainment, and in some cases enlightenment. And then wonder why the generation of kids doesn’t play outside.
In some cases, these outlets are not enough to contain the inner child, though. And those children, whose inner child presents itself in the public domain, it becomes essential that that child receive medical attention in the form of a pill. Once again, pushing medicine and vaccination as a requirement to get some of that good old public ed-JU-cay-shun.
But it doesn’t stop there. In fact, as we progress our technology, we’ve managed to invent the RFID chip. Coined as a benefit to our security, this new device and others like it (Google Glass), are capable of hacking into and reading the human mind and recognizing brainwaves and behavior.
Starting to sound a little “Minority Report” minus the precogs? Consider this, the precogs were just databases of collected data from the thoughts and behaviors of humans, until it became logically clear that a crime was about to occur. Basically, if there are certain parameters that exist in the brain capable of pinpointing that a crime is going to occur; and a computer designed to pick up these identifiers foreshadows the impending doom, how much longer is it before we see the promotion of CRIME PREVENTION through these chips?
Sure, these are some crazy concepts, and I’m not asking you to believe them. Vast majorities of people are thinking these things, and I’m just saying them. I can see it more easily than some only because I have played the “God” role. By that, I mean only that I have controlled genetics to produce a desired result and have found it to be simple, and satisfying. It takes time, but anyone can do it. And if anyone can do it, is it being done to the human race? However, instead of breeding a society worthy of the future, America has been breeding a cesspool of hatred and inhumanity, with the scent of its decay disguised in the ideals of a perverted love and security.
We’ve traded “survival” for material possession and the delusion of status in our community. Having inspired an individualistic society, whose only concern is ultimately what directly affects oneself, we have become the SLEEPING NATION, unaware of how caged we truly are.
When all things from education and media to technology and medicine have proven themselves to be field tests of control, one can’t help but wonder if this is all by design, or if we are indeed damned. 


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Roots of Damnation: Damned, Doomed, or Human Nature?

*Note: It is not my intention to alter your beliefs; merely to empower you with the knowledge of other ideas that exist. In the long run, many others are thinking it, I’m just saying it. The posts to follow indefinitely are pieces of a larger text in which beliefs and knowledge may be challenged. In a world where knowledge is power, I am only offering a gift of knowing that you may use to empower yourself. 

Is it any far stretch of the human imagination that we may very well be just another primordial being surviving on this planet? We just discussed that even the simplest organisms resolved to domination in order to survive. Together we have come to agree that our ancestry endorsed some of the most horrific actions against man. Further, we have acknowledged that such violence has been suppressed and replaced with a more sensitized view of human life. As such, how difficult is it for anyone to consider even the slightest possibility that MAYBE we’re just another species finding it’s “place” on this earth?

Some will argue that we are not sensitized, as we still see violent crimes. Touché! But I think that further exemplifies my point. If we are indeed just another living species –not unlike any other fighting for survival –the fact that this world still sees such heinous actions against all life forms is a clear indication that our natural tendency to “survive” by domination is deeply rooted in our primal, animalistic, instinct. It can’t be completely repressed.

But to truly believe and admit to this concept that we’re essentially animals, means that we have to also accept the nature in us to be aggressive to survive. After all, it’s survival of the fittest, right?

And here’s where I challenge you to really test yourself. Because if you understand that statement wholeheartedly, then you understand that ‘survival of the fittest’ means preserving balance in our environment, and reserving the future for those who belong in it by any means.

That’s not a dictionary definition, that’s just logic applied. In the WILD world, preservation of the fittest is carried out in many ways; all of which are natural. Now, one of the NATURAL ways species preserve the fittest is through infanticide.

GASP!!!OMG! Wait? She didn’t just say what I think she just said, did she?

Calm down. It’s not an endorsement, folks. It’s just a simple fact being acknowledged for the purpose of knowing. Why? Cause knowledge is power. I fear the day Naked and Afraid bloopers reveal me crying over killing a fly.

Our species has found every way around the “survival of the fittest” clause in the ecosystem of the planet. Through science, medicine, and technology, people have brought life to where there would otherwise be no life; and, managed to extend the longevity of life. When did we become so terrified of death that we sought solace in prolonging it through living life so cautiously of it and in search of ways to defy it?

What scientists may have failed to do, is recognized the negative impact of defying nature would have on our species and our environment. Or did they?

Consider some of these facts

With POPULATIONS SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL across the globe (in some places to the extent of people starving due to a lack of resources), we fight for the rights and lives of known murderers, rapists, and people so mentally dysfunctional that they are completely unable to coexist peacefully in society.

Plagued by an inability to preserve the fittest for the future , our species becomes “diseased” and unstable, as these irrefutable genetics are passed on for future generations. And we breed at incredible rates.

It’s unfortunate that these individuals are the remnants of a people we once used to be; who survived on primal instinct, at a time when survival meant destroy and conquer. Clearly, these people have no place in our world today, because we no longer have a need to “survive.”

For the most part, our society is individualistic, self-centered, and materialistic. We established a hierarchy based on the HOLDERS OF THE HIGHEST CURRENCY. So in our ecosystem, one of the biggest things that can drive people into survival mode is the almighty dollar. Fortunately, many of us have completely repressed “survival mode” and can function in this society.

Sadly, for those of us who have evolved to repress these native instincts, there are people among us who shame the behavior, but demand “rehabilitation” for the unevolved.

Scientists then study and pick apart the lab rats to determine the root of the violent behavior. They come up with theories of damaged brain receptors, imbalanced chemicals in the brain, immune-related illnesses, damaged cortex, and so on.

The scientists fortunately discover how to diagnose and “treat” these ailments, and before you know it, there are vaccines and drugs being used as an essential tool to masking genetics that quite possibly shouldn’t be passed down. But let’s come back to this.

Let’s stay focused on the few things that happen here; because first, it allows further study of and release of drugs designed specifically to repress the behaviors without curing it.  Add to the fact that new drugs are NOT made over night. They take years of testing. Knowing this… we’re seeing today the experiments of yesterday. If it doesn’t look good now, do you really see it getting better?

SECOND, think about the doors it opens for convictions to be overturned, if the person is diagnosed with these conditions. If simply forgetting to take a pill to balance your brain chemicals is enough to excuse you of the responsibility of your murder, we have a serious problem. Do we start dismissing all cases in which having brain damage is enough to say, “Release this dysfunctional creature back into society.” We don’t try to save rabid dogs…

But that’s right! We can save these rabid people, because people are capable of rational thought. Besides, science needs lots of lab rats. But we’ll come back to that.

Hopefully you were paying attention and caught the fact that all their research and medication is centered on the advancement of mind controlling agents. They are literally finding ways to chemically control people (and in most cases, turn them into immobile drooling stations). By first identifying behaviors that are desired, SCIENCE HAS DESIGNED DRUGS TO BRING ABOUT THOSE DESIRED BEHAVIORS.

But it’s totally for the good of people, right? Now we don’t have to commit a natural preservation process, and until it directly affects us, we can put it out of mind and go on about life. AWESOME!


Well, we just recognized the effect this has on deteriorating the human species by passing along genetics that have no place in the future, but more than that it makes us VULNERABLE and DEPENDENT on something UNNATURAL.

Exactly how much do we trust these drug designers to be completely interested in our true happiness? If masses of people could be so easily controlled, isn’t it possible they’re going to do just that? Are we doomed by a repression of our natural behavior, or is there something more to it?

Certainly, if we were to be controlled, it would require more than medication, as even despite the law, not everyone will have health insurance or ever see a doctor. I guess that means, there’s more to this puzzle. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Roots of Damnation

*Note: It is not my intention to alter your beliefs; merely to empower you with the knowledge of other ideas that exist. In the long run, many others are thinking it, I’m just saying it. The posts to follow indefinitely are pieces of a larger text in which beliefs and knowledge may be challenged. In a world where knowledge is power, I am only offering a gift of knowing that you may use to empower yourself. 

            It goes without saying; there are many problems in our world today. The history and foundation upon which our rock has been built is nothing short of shady and damning. Expressed through the eyes of expert scholars who’ve studied the text of timeless writings (allegedly scribed by the most powerful people of their time); we trust not only the interpreters of history, but the writers.
While this ultimately creates a challenge in determining the validity of an account, there is one repetitive theme throughout the vast majority of historical works. That is, the roots of this earth are firmly established in the depths of violence, fear, and control; and watered by the blood of the men who seek to break the chains of control.
            America was supposed to be different though. She was supposed to be the salvation of the world’s people, oppressed by their own leaders.
Or was she?
As the story of America unfolds, the country gave birth to its own brand of brutality and control. While the school books dance around horrific truths of battles between the natives and the founders; the reality is that we have always been savages. Even as the earliest creatures to walk this earth were REMORSELESS KILLERS, they pale in comparison to the single-most destructive and inhumane force in the world; HUMAN BEINGS.
You would think as the only species on this planet capable of intellectual thought and rationale that we could fathom something beyond plans of mass destruction and control. But, no…
Instead we’ve come from being a race entirely dependent on our ability to work hard at cultivating and harvesting the resources of this planet; to being an invasive species seeking only to alleviate ourselves of burden and hard work by creating tools that bring about devastation at a rapid pace. In some cases, we’ve simplified the workload so tremendously; our goals can be met with the simple click of a button.
Many will say “We fought for a future that would be better than the one we had.” Well, have we accomplished that? Have we truly been given and are we currently passing along a future we want for our children?
It seems to me that we’ve more effectively created a world of LAZY beings dependent on the tools and handouts provided to keep their world as simple and blissful as possible.
As we’ve embarked on the mission to reduce our efforts, we’ve progressed our technology and medicine; which, arguably, is the responsible source for our reduced mentality, but also keeps us alive longer.
The result of “advancements” has unfortunately had the effect of diminishing the creative thought processes of our youth by providing all the “imagination” they may require. It comes in the form of fast moving lights and sounds streamed through the digital screens of indoctrination boxes (television, computers, video games, etc.). The only thing reliable in this knowledge is that this generation of children will not bring about change or mind blowing engineering feats, because they will have never lifted a finger to acquire knowledge or think on their own.
This argument generally goes two ways. The vast (liberal) majority will cry for controls to be put in place, or standards to be met and identified. Many will point the finger of parental responsibility – which to some extent I would wholeheartedly support you. However, we’re talking about mind control here.
The breeding of a LAB RAT SOCIETY is a truth that is ages old.
In fact, the desire to control has existed since the first single-celled organism. We called it survival of the fittest, because guess what? The only thing a single-celled organism knows is… SURVIVE.
Due to the need to survive, the study of domination has been practiced since the birth of this earth, and only humans have perfected it. Sadly, with this know-how, we’ve only managed to generate of society that demands equality of the sexes, rather than recognize the delicate balance that exists in the strengths and weaknesses of man and woman.
As a result of a feminist movement, mothers who would be home raising the children and being the thread that holds communities together, are now burdened by having to hold the title of breadwinner while their children are left to be raised by electronic babysitters. Women – and I generalize because some actually want to be man’s equal and not his partner – are thusly FORCED TO CHOOSE between fulfilling the societally influenced ideals of a “strong” woman, or embrace the role that was perfectly designed for her to have balance in her world.
Many of you may recall statements by me during my appearance on the Discovery show, Naked and Afraid, regarding this concept. Despite being taken out of context to portray me as a chauvinist; I truly believe that our sexual roles were meant to balance the weaknesses of each other’s sex. Sure, throughout the ages there have been stronger than average woman step up – often disguised as men – but it was NOT the move for ALL women.  Somewhere along the line, we forgot that not all women wished to be more than balanced with men.

The results have been far more devastating as they have not only CREATED DIVISION and WAR in all things; but have broken families through divorce, and figuratively castrated the idea of masculinity. This is just another way society rules and people become dominated and controlled. As we were discussing the possible damnation of America, this thought certainly provokes the question of whether we are or not

The fear of what other people think is the state of perception that stops people [from] making a difference…” – David Icke