Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Tattered History; We will Never Forget

Nothing pains me more than to be cliche; I prefer truth over trend, and a blank page over a template. It is both a curse and the most rewarding blessing. However, every once in a blue moon, even the most iconoclastic of individuals must conform to the ritualistic endeavors of trend. That being said, this particular post takes a slightly different turn. For as it is a time for most to bid farewell to the passing year and praise with cheer the coming of the new year, it is customary for us to reflect on the things we have experienced, the lessons we have learned, and the tragedies and blessings we have endured from the passing of time.

In not so much the orthodox fashion as others are inclined to write, Divine America will, too, comply with this New Year ritual in our own non-compliant way. Like so many others, Divine America entered into the alternative media arena with a vision of not only spreading truth, but inspiring community, unity, and solution to the everyday issues we were seeing in our nation. The hopes of not only raising awareness, but giving a clear definition to how to change it fueled our mission.

Well, as we sit staring at sixteen (16) denied requests for information from agencies including local and abroad police departments, the FBI, and SEC to name a few; one can't help but feel that we have failed at our mission.

Of course, this is not entirely true, and our habits for the melodramatics may be kicking in. Assured by the dozens of emails, messages, and comments left for us, we know that our purpose is serving many. However, the massive amount of evidence in the form of denied FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests reminds us of three things. First, the Obama administration is failing horrendously with it's green efforts, because we certainly don't require two pages of verbiage to tell us "no." We understood that in the digital formats, so please consider the trees being wasted. Second, and more importantly, freedom of information is apparently a freedom only granted to government agencies. And finally, the most concerning of all, we are reminded that the works of history are maintained by those in power.

Even the history of America--as tattered as it still stands--see rewrites scripted by those of biased views, and holding the highest seats of control within (and wearily enough, without) our nation. While alternative media outlets have been on the rise and strive to uncover truth, we have witnessed the blatant hand of those in power to prevail in evanescing that truth. In everything from false flags and cover-ups, to distractions for obvious cover-ups; the elite have conducted attacks on the citizens and those who would dare expose them. Essentially, what we blog, they block; what we stream, they steal to be spun in such ways to make us look bad; what we record, they corrupt. As there is no end to what they can and will do to thwart the exposure of truth, the list will go on.

Sadly, it is not us who will suffer on account of failed diligence. For it will not be in our time that the proverbial "shit" hits the fan--at least not enough for our generation to do something about it. However, the generation of our children and grandchildren are likely to be the recipients of the very turmoils of which most of us speak. Especially if children attend the indoctrination camps--uhh, public schools--in which history (including the words of the constitution) is twisted to convey compliance with and dependency on the government; our children and theirs will never know what it meant to stand for anything.

There is a solution to this that many have embraced the boldness to call for, yet more refuse to accept. Let's not beat around the bush; that solution is war. Both a horrifying and glorious truth, it has become quite clear that our leaders neither love us or fear us, thusly surmising us to this: we must make them do one of the other, and let's be honest--they are not going to love us if they can control us more effortlessly. Therefore, as it was the failed duty of our forefathers, the burden now falls upon us--the last generation that will stand and fight. That battle, however, relies on us finding unity. Not unity in our beliefs as individuals, but in the knowledge and awareness of what true freedom is, and how to conduct it within our communities.

The curse: divided we fall, has never been so evident as it is today. We see divide in all things. Such quarrels see a nation turning against itself and leaning closer into the path of destruction and chaos, and we are the only ones who can change that, as the "savior" lies within. That change only comes, though, when we realize we are not each others enemies, but rather brothers and sisters in a battle for our true freedom. To deny this is only to lie to oneself. See, as a white lower-middle class-man, I am not at war with my black brothers and sisters of even the lowest or highest classes. I am at war with those who have lead my brethren to believe they deserve or cannot amount to more than what is bestowed upon them. I am at war with those in the position of leaders who masterfully concoct destructive forces within the black community that keep them from prevailing, as opposed to building them up.

As a woman and mother, I am not at war with my brothers and sisters of the working or non-working class. I am at war with those who have forced the ideology of being a champion of parenting and full-time worker without concern for the imbalance it lends towards either duty. For these are the very seeds that sprout into a hostile, uneducated, and lackluster community and nation.

It makes me neither a racists, or anti-woman to say such things, unless one is uneducated enough to understand the truth behind these words. In the fight to end these divisive strategies, one must recognize the strategists behind them. While we should ultimately find blame within ourselves for allowing these elitists to rise to power, we must also acknowledge our power and responsibility to put an end to their rule. Unfortunately, with our voting system corrupted we can be sure there is only one option left, and we needn't fear it, only embrace it as truth as our ancestors once did.

In moving into the new year, let us be reminded of the tattered histories, which we will never forget, as they have brought us to this point. Let us embrace unity in such a way that it creates a bond between us that might never be broken again; so that we might conquer our enemies and restore the promises of our nation. We can have the Divine America that was intended for us. We need only to acknowledge the simple truth that it will not come easily, but if we are vigilant in our pursuit it will come, and our children and grandchildren will be better for it.

As we strive to awaken others, Divine America re-spawns into the new year with a stronger purpose and mission to redefine a United America; one which will never again fall to the persuasion of the corrupt elite. To our brothers and sisters, we can have what was promised to us, and as we enter this New Year let us never forget that.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

“I Am”: The Cost of Liberty, the Exchange: Security?

 America has long been known as the “land of the free.” The cost of that freedom is often held in regard only by those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that freedom. Veiled in anonymity under a shadow of collectivized terms as: the military or soldiers, we forget the individuals behind that veil. We neglect the individual sacrifices they have made—whether it be their lives, time,  or money.

Sadly, this collectivism does not exist amongst civilians. Individuality plagues citizens so rampantly in our American culture that, by it, we’ve allowed liberty to come under fire through a failure to recognize it was ever being stolen. In fact, the collective citizens have become sheep herded by the law of man, rather than participants in the law of nature.

Bill after bill, we have complied with the passing of laws that gave man dominion over another man—and we did it under the guise of security and accountability. Once upon a time, people within a community worked to support each other. They exchanged goods and services, and communicated regularly. When war came upon a people, everyone who was able participated in the fight.  As we became less focused on the well-being of the whole, and more focused on the individual (fueled by greed and selfishness) needs, we began pulling away from this system. Largely on account of reducing our own personal responsibilities, people opted to pay taxes to support those who would fight in their stead.

While this ideology is archaic to say the least, the mentality has evolved and is the root of much destruction and chaos in our country (well, honestly the world, but let’s stayfocused on America).  As we’ve “progressed” our nation, and taken every action imaginable to deflect personal responsibility; individuality and the means to neglect ones environment have arisen and acted as direct contributions towards disunity, crime, and corruption.  As we’ve seen in past stories covered by Divine America, the collective people have sacrificed liberty in the pursuit of this hand-fed security. In our desire to retain as little responsibility as possible for our communities, it’s no wonder there is a presumption of a rising “police state.” Our failure in conducting the very checks and balances to prevent such a state is the reaping of the seeds we’ve sown.  You got what you paid for. Now, on account of  a couple of bad seeds and  an immensely, negatively-fueled media, there’s another line in the sand created by the elite, and crossed by the citizens; and it’s used to increase disharmony and paint a clear target on the backs of the very people we’ve paid to “protect” us. Did we forget that a uniform does not a hero make?

Having the displeasure of witnessing this shredding of the American culture and society, we can see the crippling of the hearts of the patriots, and a sense of immobility, despair, and defeat. And with the surmounting lines being drawn, a mentality is developed, and wars inspired. As a result, more people will be harmed by the fight or flight response that officers are forced to embrace when they encounter citizens. The people will then cry for more legislation and punishment towards officers. Every discharge of a weapon in response to criminal activity will come under question, and we will eventually not even have those few who will stand in our defense locally, because we’ve pitted the duty of the job against them, and sided with justice for the obvious criminal.

Regardless, the cry for further laws to keep us “safe” has been by far the most asinine measure we’ve taken in search of our individual happiness; and has ultimately been the largest cost the citizens have paid towards securing our own well-being. Of course, when blinded by the new concept of what well-being truly is--a state of finances--it should come as no surprise that we sit in the cesspool of corruption and greed.

As we reflect over the year we’ve had at Divine America, we are forced to recall these corruptions in action. Taken aback to our dear friend “Martin,” we see one man’s individual fight for a liberty that has been perverted by those who would use it to control and extort people. In his plea to the courts to be free of a mandated identity procured by a piece of paper and upheld by a plastic card, our dear friend sought to remind the people of the Lord’s words and warning. Not a far stretch from original pagan-man’s understanding of the power behind knowing another man’s name, “Martin” restates, “I AM THAT I AM,” a man with the right to travel freely with his property and without the threat of extortion from the henchmen of the state who blindly follow orders.

However, We The People saw fit to discard that liberty. In fact, we demanded identity be more than a term one is provided as a reference. And why? Accountability. There’s proof behind a document after all, and having that proof enables us to sue the pants off each other to achieve our financial well-being. Unfortunately, to get these papers one must commit to redefining their liberties by subjecting themselves to the laws of man—a series of rules and compliances one must live by in exchange for protection from the thugs of the state in addition to the thugs of the citizenry. Under these rules, personal responsibility is not required; and accountability becomes an effortless pursuit of fraudulence that allows for unconstitutional subjections to unwanted extortions.

How’s the exchange working out for you now? You know, now that you pay egads of dollars into auto insurance, medical insurance, home owners insurance, and so on.

Our dear friend is not alone in his fight for the restoration of liberty and it has not been without its setbacks, as even those among the “awakened” demand compliance with certain laws of man for that wonderful accountability. On account of those individuals and to update you on our dear friend’s situation; the Man alleged to be “Martin P-E-T-R-O-S-K-Y” (for the umpteenth time)—despite numerous attempts to pay restitution to the person known as “STATE”—has been found guilty of criminal activity, simply for driving without a tag. When considering the corrupt state of affairs being carried out by the Dekalb County Court , the lack of knowledge regarding their job description, the strategy utilized in trampling the first amendment, and—as Divine America hascome to learn in the latest interview with “Martin”—the apparent power of Judge Wong to act and speak for the defendant; it leaves little to the imagination as to how our dear friend will be sentenced. With initial settlements proffering time in jail (up to three years), probation, and fines surmounting thousands of dollars, it begs to question not only if people truly believe the lack of a piece of paper warrants such response, but if our dear friend’s family deserves to suffer as much as the court would like them to. “Martin” being the sole provider for his family would certainly witness the destruction of his family’s well-being.

Regardless of how you personally feel about compliance to the state mandates, many might at least agree that no one deserves to be violently ripped from their vehicle through a window and taken prisoner when no harm has been executed against another living being. But, despite having the acceptable forms of all those protections and accountabilities, a passive decision to stand against such extortions (just by not handing it over) ultimately contributed to our dear friend’s brutal attack, kidnapping, and imprisonment at the hands of thugs.  While some may consider his actions intolerable, our dear friend did this and stands by his consequences not for himself, but for the good of the people who would otherwise submit to these indignities. In hopes of enlightening people to the liberties we’ve allowed to slip away, “Martin” subjected himself to the dangers of disregarding the state’s rules of paperwork.

Now, as we throw around such terms of endearment as “crazy,” “anarchist,” and
“right-wing nut,” towards our dear friend, we ought to take a moment to recognize that it takes all kinds of kinds. People like our dear, crazy friend fighting for lost liberties of all natures, exist in many different arenas. Some people hold signs of protest on the streets, over bridges, and at local capitol buildings. Others like to voice themselves on social media. And then there’s some who give a shout out over a megaphone on White House gate at one in the morning.

While many have funny ways of drawing their lines in the sand of laws they willingly obey and those they won’t, we come across those who have stepped forth to bring about the awakening of the masses. Patriots such as former Oathkeeper member, Bill Looman—who has dedicated himself to the fight for liberty not only in his service as Marine, but as a loyal servant and spokesman of our Nation’s citizens—is one that has been met with ridicule and endured personal sacrifice on scales unimaginable to the average Joe.

Far from his first or last rodeo to spark awareness, Bill Looman has marched to the frontlines of our battlefield—the Nation’s capital—along with other such as Manny Vega and Blaine Cooper, to announce on their megaphone that We The People have had enough. It is apparent these efforts have fallen on deaf ears, but who even among the so-called three percent patriots has truly committed themselves in such ways? Who among us has already demonstrated the tuck-tail and turn-back strategy that elected leaders have come to expect and to which has contributed to the ridicule of which the patriot movement?

Effectively, the backlash by which the patriot movement has been reduced begs to have questions answered that not many are ready or willing to ask themselves. How much longer are you willing to stand by watching the nation destroyed by the elite who would define for us what actions are legal and illegal? Will you wait for it to come to your front door? Will you “bug out” to the woods and practice all that awesome primitive survival stuff you’ve working on?

It’s time for truth. What wars may come, will come. Most likely, not in our time—especially if we continue to sit and wait. Our children, though, and their children can count on the fight being entirely removed from their ideologies. They will be the bearers of the burdens to which we neglected to respond appropriately. So as you sit there, waiting for the so-called “shit to hit the fan” on your doorstep or in your backyard; know this:  that’s not going to happen.

However, as you continue to embrace and push for further legislation to keep you safe, realize you are only dooming the future of this country. You are just as guilty as those who would write such laws that will eventually see this nation crumble. Our failure now will be the consequence for which our children will suffer. And when the time comes and you are put before your creator, consider what your judgment will be for failing to do your part in preserving liberty. There is no cost greater than life, and it’s one only a few are willing to pay. Would you? We all have to die some time. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

When Using Your Power for Good, Part II: Cue Thugs

 It goes without saying; the U.S. government is nothing short of muscle. With ABC agencies such as the FBI, NSA, DOJ, ATF, and IRS just to name a few, the government has a strong arm to manage compliance with all the wonderful legislation they write. Of course, each agency is stamped with the ideals of being for the good of the people, and adding security in an otherwise insecure world. For example, the function of the SEC (Securities and Exchange Committee), is to protect investors by maintaining the integrity of the stock market. Such a feat is accomplished by investigating and charging those who would jeopardize the system which is based on a sort of honor code.

At least, these are the claims sold to the American people.

See, the stock market relies on people buying and selling stock based on the same advantages and disadvantages. When people have advantages (such as insider information) they have a tendency to play the market to their benefit, which holds the high probability of hurting someone else. Since there are more ways than one to commit fraud while treating stocks, the SEC was implemented to add security.

Well, that sounds good, doesn’t it? That is, if such authority is not abused. What happens when a corrupt administration uses it strongarms to target people, organizations, and even industries? The entire nation has heard as such events (among the many other scandals of the Obama administration) involving ABC agencies, but no one really takes the time to look into the cases. A big part of that can be attributed to a misplaced sense of justice. Most people think the rich are rich because of their well-played hand in something deceitful. While certain actions on Wall Street have certainly echoed a disdainful taste for the hoi polloi, there are indeed humanitarians among the elite.
You may recall a brief regarding Donald Gillispie, who sought ways to help people by proposing masterful designs of desalinization and nuclear power plants in places like China and Idaho. While many have their opinions regarding nuclear energy, I’m not here to sway your beliefs. However, I can recommend some reading material that may educate you in the truth about nuclear energy. Rather, Mr. Gillespie’s situation reminds us just how powerful and out of control these arms of our government have become. It also serves to remind us of that no amount of good intention goes without punishment from those with a catastrophic agenda. What else would you call the amount of destruction wreaked upon citizens, companies, and industries by just one arm of the government’s enforcers?

Consider the fact that under Obama’s administration the number of corporate fraud investigations conducted by the SEC more than doubled in Obama’s first term. Taking a look at the army amassed for purposes similar to this, the clueless majority of us don’t even think twice, because it is only happening to the rich, right?

Wrong! In fact, with its units ranging in control of everything from banking, agriculture, firearms, drugs, and more; their hand of influence falls on every citizen of the United States of America. That is why we see people being SWAT teamed to be evicted from their homes after banks foreclose on them. That is why we see mom and pop shops shut down by the IRS for failure to pay. That’s why we see babies blown up by an alleged war on drugs, and on more occasions homes being mistakenly entered and people dying because of it. That is why we see pastors arrested and jailed for feeding hungering homeless. And it’s what leaves a handful of us looking for the checks and balances.

Unfortunately, since such information is maintained and “checked” it’s done so by the very people paid to protect the integrity of their agency. As a result, when simple public records requests are made the ABC agency gets to pull any number of rabbits out of its hat of excuses as to why they will not be providing the information requested. Perhaps during another check and balance audit those documents will simply disappear.

Either way, we are forced to make our own inferences based on the massive amount of complaints made against the SEC and the accounts of those who step forward in support of Mr. Gillispie. People like Thomas Doss have made it their personal mission to bring awareness to this case. And yet others, like Corey St. Claire, who had the privilege of being a trainer and close confidant to Mr. Gillispie, who are eager to tell everything they know about the man they describe as genuine and trustworthy, in an effort to clear his good name of the shadow of doubt cast upon it by the SEC.

Multiple attempts have been made to obtain records from the SEC, the SEC lawyer, and the FBI. All have thus far been fruitless, save for some laughable email. In looking at the track record of both the SEC and the Obama Regiment-- I mean, administration… I guess I have to base a judgment on the honor system. That means, interviews with inside sources which paint a clear picture of the SEC’s intentions hold more water than a lack of supporting evidence and a refusal to cooperate with media. And exactly what are the SEC’s intentions?

Don Gillispie’s case makes that pretty evident as well. With the allegations claiming Mr. Gillespie was raising funds for a sort of pump-and-dump, one would think the SEC would be giving the investors back what they paid in; at least considering the SEC was collecting that much and then some from Gillispie. In fact, after calculating “fines payable to the US treasury” plus interest, Mr. Gillispie is set to lose his company, his credibility, and over $10 million in fines. Suffice it to say the outlook for his future has been cast in the shadow of uncertainty due to an unfounded attack launched by Snake River Alliance and backed up by the SEC and the FBI. Despite lacking evidence, the judgment has been made in a civil court. Though his unwilling-to-go-down-without-a-fight nature compels Mr. Gillispie to keep fighting, the power of this wallet it has been crippled by the blows of the SEC. Against the unlimited resources of the SEC, even a victory only hurts the taxpayer. Rather, Gillispie has been advised to stand down against the army Obama has amassed—not only against citizens, but upon various industries—and he tells of many lives a wasting away in federal prisons on account of false allegations made by the agencies.

His warning access to ask, what do those thugs do with all this money? Of course, we are quickly reminded of the Obama’s war on coal and his clean air campaign, which saw massive attacks launched against various energy manufacturers and coal plants; as well as the financial backing of many failed green energy companies and programs. In fact, the administration’s plans we are told will contribute to America’s next energy crisis.

In spite of all the tragedy Don Gillispie has faced in the hopes of using his power for good – or in this case, providing affordable power for all – we are promised a light, energized by Mr. Gillispie’s own revolutionary design. While the SEC vows to make the remainder of Don’s fiscal life hell, he will rest happily knowing there was nothing they could do to stop people from having a choice and affordable energy. Though, he explains it wasn’t for a lack of trying. Among the many that have come and continue to come under attack by any wing of the government, Blue Castle was just another energy manufacturer on their list. Having witnessed the countless barrages of cases filed against companies by the SEC, FBI, and IRS to name a few; investors have become keen to the tactics that not only threaten the integrity of the stock market, but the well-being of the company.

However, in an initiative to build another plant using Don’s design, Blue Castle CEO Aaron Tilton came under fire from the SEC for investments made by the LeadDog. Fortunately, and despite their best efforts, Mr. Tilton disassociated from LeadDog and clarified the misunderstanding that he had any idea where investors make their money. This did not prevent mass mediafrom painting the CEO with a negative image. In their coverage of the story, Aaron Tilton is described as a “predictably solid Republican” with anti-gay and anti-environment agendas, yet a man with which many still wish to invest. But we digress.

Don Gillispie is just one of the many victims of the administration’s army against citizens. He wasn’t the first, and by far he won’t be the last, but he will be one less that went silently. Not because he cares for himself, but because he cares for people. What no one thinks about when they’re busy writing off Don because of his upper-class status, is the fact that he is being fined in a civil court despite a lack of evidence, without a jury, and with lawyers telling him to accept. What people don’t realize is that there are repercussions when we failed to put an end to such abuse of authority before it’s too late. If we fail to stop this sort of crime here, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a problem for the lower class (although, a recent account tells us it may already be there).

The US government is nothing short of thugs to enforce compliance with the laws they create to keep their agenda progressing. Obama’s agenda includes pumping money into a global warming campaign that has been proven a hoax. So while hopes of a brighter future are tickled by the Republican control, we’ve already heard them back down on promises that won them the elections. Unfortunately, there’s two more years of this administration with more than $17 trillion in debt, and Obama still trying to convince us all that we need to pump more money into clean air in such deals with China. With billions of dollars still being contracted out for foreign investments, two things become clear: one, money needs to come from somewhere (and publicly traded energy companies make great targets because they are often owned by conservatives and funded by investors with deep pockets); and two, if the administration intends to create an economic collapse, this is certainly the way to go about doing it. And maybe that’s more on target than you think.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

(Re)Building the American Dream: A tactical Approach

By far, America is home to some of the most lazy and pathetic people in the world (to say I have an arsenal of memes depicting exactly how lazy and pathetic we can be is an understatement, which is contradictory in itself, because the creation of such things is debatably lazy and pathetic, wouldn’t you say? Hmm). No offense, but history be told, we were once a people of passion, contribution, hard work, and innovation. Suffice it to say, our inventions have brought us closer and closer to lives of happiness having nothing more to do than push buttons and watch pretty colors pass us by. Maybe I exaggerate, but the path we’re on right now certainly looks like one of sitting on our asses pushing buttons while sipping on our fourth cup of coffee by 10 a.m. Regardless, such aspirations in futuristic technology and a growth in industry saw America alive and rejuvenated with purpose; with a mission to achieve their piece of the American dream. Like the Renaissance of our nation, everyone had a job to do.  Now, as the multitude of Americans move with their faces buried in the screen of this technology—unimpressed, unaware of the world around them, and uninterested in making eye contact with an actual living soul—we’ve hit a lull in our nation’s innovations; and worst of all, we’ve allowed the droning out and stagnation of people.

From a tanked out economy lacking employment opportunities, many Americans are sitting back in stretchy pants and stained t-shirts, waiting for the next new thing to spark (what they confuse for) “life” into them.  Be it the latest iPhone or drama on any reality show, people have become content to do nothing in a world that requires nothing of them. It’s been a massive shift from the energetic and always working Americans that built this great country. There’s even a song commemorating just how lazy we’d actually like to be! It’s really no wonder why so many are on drugs (legal or otherwise).

In an effort to dissuade my own laziness, and use my power for good, I have often found myself contemplating ways in which I could re-inspire people to discover their own American dreams through my writing. Telling folks that they’re lazy and pathetic is only one part of what I’ve come up with so far; so, good news…that’s out of the way. Truthfully, the real answer came to me last year; though, due to (you guessed it) laziness, was only half-heartedly acted upon. I presume for my lack of aggressive action, I received a series of firm reminders throughout the year, and then some more subtle ones. 

As a firm believer that people come into your life for a reason, I no longer wonder why I came to know John Grasta at the time I did, just as I’m sure John doesn’t wonder why most of the people in his life came to him when they did. Here was your average guy (not so average to me, though, as he reminded me a lot of my dad), asking me to cover the story his emerging tactical gear business, and the business of his good friend, Trae Johnson, who owns and operates a firing range in Florida. The story coverage was more of an expression of gratitude to those who helped John in his emergence, but it fit into what I was working on. Plus, as a dabbler of arts (and considerably ‘old-fashioned’ in values), there are two things I adore:  craftsmanship and mentorship. That said, when John explained to me that he made custom shot gun gear and Trae was a certified NRA instructor that taught firearms handling to people of all ages, you could say my attention was caught. I didn’t know then, but it was as though a beacon had been set out when I decided to write in a way that celebrated America, and Americans doing the very things that depict true American values. In particular, a focus on living the American dream was a mission worth taking on in a country that had been swarmed with news of chaos and negativity. John Grasta therefore became the reminder that there is a mission to accomplish, and he and his friends were living it daily. 

Grasta introduced me to some his closest friends; though, he credits them as family and counts his blessings to have each and every one of them in his corner. Little did I know then, I was being introduced to the who’s who of tactical gear manufacturing, firearms and combat trainers. Having never seen the rough side of a stuffed teddy bear, the idea of having to interview people who could kill a person with one hand (maybe I’m exaggerating—I didn’t ask) was a bit daunting. Not to mention, I expected to hear an onslaught of macho egotism. What I got was an eye-opening experience, a boost of hope, and a mystery solved. That about makes it a good time to say it gets long-winded from here on out, as there’s just not enough I can say about the people I’ve come to know. But if you’re up for it, cozy up to meet a badass comradery of guys allied in a common mission to use their powers for good (which is kind of a theme around here).

As mentioned, John wanted to tell me about his growing business and how it came to be with the aid of great friends and family. By any stretch of imagination, I didn’t think his “great friends” would include world renowned trainers such as L.D.“Stoney” Stone and James Urban of Urban Tactical. Move over Jason Statham, sayonara Jet Li and Jackie Chan! You guys got moves, but these guys were the real deal. Working closely with John  to put his FrankenGrasta shot gun gear to the test, and Trae Johnson with Ares Firearms Training range; the men of Urban Tactical also put on an excellent series of training courses in everything from hand-to-hand combat to (for lack of better words) that stuff you thought only happened in movies. It’s probably best if I just show you.

You still with me, or were you just as mesmerized by those videos as I was? Moving on.

What better place to run quality checks and drills than on Ares’ own 100 acre range, nestled comfortably in middle Florida’s forests and swamps. On the land preserved by the Johnson family for many years, Trae, John, and the members of Urban Tactical serve up opportunities for learning, gaining experience, and having a downright good time in a comfortable learning environment. Taking firearms instruction to all new levels, Trae and the instructors of Ares Firearms range conduct classes day and night to ensure your ability doesn’t end just cause the lights go out. Not to mention, it makes for one hell of a light show. 

However, probably the most lovable part of Ares (which takes its name not only for great marketing and heritage, but in honor of the Greek God of War who came to warriors in their time of need) stems from a commitment to people. With a fondness for education of the ‘good-ole-days’ Ares instructors not only offer instruction for every member of the family, but they provide safe play areas for children who aren’t participating in the training—a bonus that opens the door for parents to get the training they need. Hoping to alleviate many similar barriers preventing people from obtaining necessary training, Trae hints to Divine America that future growth intends to include more solutions to these types of hurdles. While tackling the endeavors will bring their own struggles, Trae admits he’s blessed to have overcome many obstacles in the past, with great friends to keep him motivated; and future difficulties will be met all the same.

It comes as no surprise, the “no gain without pain” attitude runs deep within these men. But, when you keep friends like Larry “Stoney” Stone—one of the many passionate instructors of Urban Tactical who also happens to carry the title of a Martial Arts Grand Master—well, there’s a certain amount of excuses that become invalidated…like, all of them. Stoney, or “Yoda” as he was introduced to me, was the epitome of a guy that never had anything handed to him, and certainly had nothing come easy. Born with a neurological disability that would undergo many misdiagnoses and surgeries to correct, but ultimately affected Stoney’s ability to walk; the word “can’t” doesn’t exist in his vocabulary.  Captured in his story Live Now, Stoney relives the good, the bad, and the ugly of a life that led him to pursue martial arts despite the many doctors, who swore he couldn’t due to his condition Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy. His disability, which made even the simple act of walking a challenge for Stoney, inspired his appreciation for the close friends, family, and mentors who’ve come into his life. He credits them for having never left him behind, when it would have been so easy to do so, and showing him patience in his training as he learned to conquer his challenges. After years of training, Stoney became a mentor, and using the patience and understanding he learned from those who showed it to him, he opened his own school of martial arts, the Ishi Do Dojo (which continues to produce Black Belt champions). 

Though he’s been inducted into the World Grand Master Black Belt Hall of Fame, Stoney is humble and reminds me the story is not about the success he’s achieved, but through it, the lives of the people he’s been able to impact. When asked how he felt about the nickname Yoda, he admits he’s no super hero, but knows “being the leader of men is a great responsibility,” and above all else, he feels blessed to have friends who would think of him like that. As he works with James Urban and other members of the Urban Tactical training team to inspire people in the methods of awareness and self-defense, it’s no doubt that each lesson is met with a wealth of knowledge, skills, and passion from people looking to use their powers for good.

Amassing over 35 years of combined training, and experience in services such as professional high-risk private and corporate security, executive protection, counter-corporate espionage, and threat assessment to name a few; James has always attracted people with a desire to learn to handle their own. Soon, what started as something akin to a Fight Club scene blossomed into a brotherhood, and soon became a mission to provide training to those who need it most. And this is how James came to know John. From the day James and John met, a bond was formed that has only been described to me as deeper than a brotherhood. Family. Put simply, “Family that will stand up and protect each other, support each other, and be there always.”

Immediately I am taken back to Larry Stone’s  words:
…. Family members don’t always make the wisest decisions.
Sometimes we screw up and people get hurt. Sometimes it is
just a flesh wound that looks (and sometimes feels), much
worse than it really is, much like Jessie’s forehead. Other times
real damage is done. But you should never forget that you are
family. Sometimes we take mistakes in stride, other times
we just lose it. We yell, we scream, we rant and rave… But
Love always outlasts anger. If you have Love in your heart,
you can endure any disappointment you have in the people
you Love. “ –Live Now

Truer words were never spoken. Bad things happen in all our lives, but family toughs it out. While James hopes his students and family are never faced with the need to use these skills, he says at least “they will have the tools to survive a violent encounter against someone attempting to harm them.” Acknowledging that the people he instructs are the very people who go out to defend our freedom—making them just as much family—James and the Urban Tactical team vow a dedication to continue learning advanced techniques and passing on their skills and knowledge to others. Traveling the globe and conducting training seminars, James and the Urban Tactical team promise a future with new products and services stating, “the skies the limit!”when it comes to advancing a community of people who are aware and capable of defending themselves. Anyone interested in having a training seminar held in their neck of the woods need only use the contact form on their website. 

In its many different forms, the theme of blessings and gratitude doesn’t always mean struggle, though; so says Tom Williford of 3T Tactical and close friend of John Grasta. Tom isn’t bragging when he says he’s always been blessed. He only means to pass on that which he feels came easily to him. Finding himself in a position, again, to help out a friend, Tom initially hoped to bring John on as a sales representative of 3T Tactical, but soon realized there was more to John.  See, Tom manufactures custom add-ons for shot guns such as the S.T.U.D. (Shot gun Tactical Ultra-illumination Device), breachers, and extension tubes; and John manufactures custom shot gun gear such as side saddles, harnesses, and leg rigs for FrankenGrasta. They are essentially each other’s peanut butter and jelly—the mac n’ cheese of custom shot gun gear if you would. 

Blessed by the sharing of business responsibility with his Daughter, Tom gets to help John with design, quality, and testing the products. As firm supporters of America’s economic progress, the men work towards 100 percent in-house manufacturing, which would open the door for many new jobs, and growth opportunities. In these troubling times, a little bit of opportunity is the one blessing many could use right now. It’s one I’ve been granted when I was asked to write about a few good men (and women).

To say the least, John certainly has a lengthy list of people who’ve come together to achieve a few goals. In essence forming a brotherhood of support that served individual American dreams, these gentlemen have been a pleasant reminder that chasing the dream is not always easy. But, as Stoney says, “It’s when you think you can’t take any more, when you think you have nothing left to give; that’s when it’s most important for you to keep pushing for your goal.” Enduring the pain—be it physical, or that which we sacrifice to succeed—marks the legacy we leave behind.  After having the pleasure of speaking with these gentlemen, it occurred to me that the most successful legacy to leave behind is also the answer to the seemingly elusive American dream.

The revolution of this country, for most, identified the ingredients of the American dream: innovation, industry, hard work, and loyalty. Unfortunately, two things happened. First, the inventions sought only to simplify, entertain, and comfort people. Secondly, people stopped working to help others. As a result, creativity and innovation hit its peak, and people became bored and even expectant of the most futuristic concepts. Incapacitated and weakened by the lights and colors of the devices we use to distract us from life, people became lazy and uninterested in the well-being of their community. If the American dream hadn’t been lost, it was certainly misconstrued by a negligent concept that only the inherently rich, and well-to-do got the lucky breaks. Where to start with the many things wrong with that statement! Not to downplay the contribution of hard work and innovation in fueling a revolution, but when it comes to the ingredients of the American dream, nothing makes a better tasting slice of pie than knowing it came by doing something good for someone else.

John Grasta asked me to write about a few good men that helped him with his emerging business. I don’t know if he understood the opportunity he put before me, but I hope he knows just how grateful I am that he chose Divine America to share his story with.

*Readers can expect a follow-up on John’s progress as a future in-person visit is in the works; and everyone is encouraged to make a trip to see these guys in Florida, or even get them out to your neck of the woods for a seminar. The links below provide more details.

John Grasta on Facebook
FrankenGrasta Shot Gun Gear Community on Facebook

Trae Johnson on Facebook
Ares Firearms Training

James Urban on Facebook
Urban Tactical

L.D. “Stoney” Stone on Facebook
Stoney’s site supporting U.S. Navy Seals and All who serve
Live Now!: Imagine the Possibilities

Tom Williford, 3T Tactical

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When Using Your Powers for Good, Expect Government Delays

Many of us are quite familiar with the story of Bundy Ranch-in which the Bundy family’s property was raided and became a pivotal peg in America’s timeline.  As sensational as that moment was and continues to be for the American people, it was not the first time a citizen has been attacked by the sitting administration in an attempt to sabotage progress, and it won’t be the last time.

A former founder and CEO of alternative Energy Manufacturing, found himself in a similar standoff with ABC agencies. However, the “war tactics” were slightly different, and did not result in the support of militias nationwide coming to his defense. Though, much of the battle has been carried out in courtrooms, it cost one Man his company and good name, and cost the country thousands of jobs with better pay.

It is unfortunate that we live in a time where the mere mention of a nuclear anything is taboo and met with such aggressive resistance. Enshrouded in a mass of misinformation, and aided by many organizations to dispel truth; the nuclear industry is thwarted by misled “environmentalists” across the globe.

In my own researching, it has been discovered that there are humanitarians among the industry.  In light of the vile portrayals of owners and builders of these power plants, this writer has learned there’s actually hearts in them that beat solely to do good in this world.  That’s the kind of person Don Gillipsie was when he initiated his plans, and it’s who he continues to be to this day.

With over 40 years’ experience in nuclear engineering, Mr. Gillipsie sought to use his power for good, literally. Partnered with Allies across the world, they worked to create a massive nuclear desalinization plant to produce fresh water. Imagine the impact of creating the largest device known to man to create more fresh water in areas where water is a commodity.  Not only that, think of the thousands of jobs necessary to keep such a plant in operation. 

That’s not all Don did, either—by far. When even the state of Idaho saw the benefits and potential for homing a power plant, Mr. Gillipsie was the man bringing viable plans and a wealth of knowledge to the town of Grand View.   Unfortunately, the liberal minded terror drivers—fearing nuclear everything—began launching unfounded claims against the company and the man behind its establishment. Despite having investors and funding to cover 100% ofthe $3.5 billion project, anti–nuclear opponents of the Snake River Alliance, did everything they could to not only prevent the takeoff of the plant, but to destroy the credibility of the man behind it.  When that didn’t work, anti-nukers found new hope for destroying Mr. Gillispie's dreams by calling in their new BFFs--the SEC.

Although the previous attack by members of the Snake River Alliance was based on false opinions, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took the reins.  Using all the powers at their disposal, investigations were launched in cooperation with the FBI and IRS against Mr. Gillipsie and his investors.

Regardless of having never produced a shred of evidence to support their claims, you would be surprised what having your home busted into by feds will do to dissuade investors. They didn’t stop with just raiding just Mr. Gillipsie’s home either. Bound and determined to find something that would support their allegations, the feds raided the homes of other investors as well.

As one would think Don Gillipsie was involved in some serious criminal business.  So what were the allegations?  Well, in an effort to destroy the establishment of a power plant in Idaho, hundreds of anonymous claims were made against Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc. for fraud.  Basically, because the company was publicly traded, the easiest way to chase away investors and ruin the potential future efforts led anti-nukers to file false complaints suggesting the company’s leaders were pumping and dumping stock. Though, the ABC agencies involved have yet to the find or provide any evidence supporting those complaints, the SEC has been held up Mr. Gillipsie and construction of the plant in court delays. 

In an effort to save the company and investors further harm, Mr. Gillipsie has since stepped down from his position as CEO of Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc.  However, if you think that was enough to deter the SEC from continuing their attacks, you are far from familiar with the SEC and this administration.

Being the well-intended man he is, Don Gillipsie has a massive support team in his corner.  From the investors who were brought into the mess and even raided by the FBI, to your average run of the mill folks and independent journalists, who understand what Don is trying to do (make the world a better place); Mr. Gillipsie has not been short of people that believe in him and his goals.

Unfortunately, Divine America is still awaiting a response from the SEC, the FBI, and the courts involved for their side. Rest assured, as soon as we get their side it will be presented. However, you can probably tell that this is just another attempt to perish the progression of our country under the misguided efforts of those in power.  As the administration continues pushing their “environmental” agenda, we see more and more land being seized, coal plants being shut down, and goodhearted companies destroyed.  If you haven’t realized yet why there is this attack, it’s time to start being more aware. 

We will continue to follow this story and bring you all the details that prove how the SEC is attacking Don in an effort to generate funding for their own energy agendas. Further, we will delve into the future of energy production and discover the true plans of this administration for this country.   

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Does my First Amendment Scare You?

No doubt when great writers, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, were writing their inspirational masterpieces regarding our future, they missed this generation’s coming. With all fairness, Mr. Huxley still has 526 years to make prophecy out of his Brave New World. However, perhaps their work serves more of a warning than our English teacher professed to know, or care.

Though, 1984 had some interesting events to write home about, we didn’t see exactly what Mr. Orwell was trying to show us. Of course, we may have been too distracted by our war with Syria and Lebanon. But I digress.

One of the things that came about during 1984 included the expansion of the personal computer with the first graphical user interface. Although, similar means of distractions, like the television, were already in existence, the personal computer was the doorway into getting into peoples’ minds; and thus advanced the capabilities of brainwashing programs. We don’t call them by that, though, we call it good marketing. So let’s give Mr. Orwell credit where credit is due-he really nailed it.

Our demise was not served as promised in 1984, but perhaps somehow the date still marks significant leads into the escalated version we see today. With the scale tipped in favor of our oppressors, we see a government label on everything; a grab for personal weapons; eyes in our business; hands in our health records (despite a proven track for incompetence time and time again); and our rights slowly being stripped away. The result has led the majority to comply in hopes of avoiding conflicts with the state—which in and of itself is rather a humorous concept that indicates, when the state feels violated (even if the violation is none at all), it may violate you back. Here’s the thing, the state gets a ton of representatives to literally and figuratively kick your ass (as my dear friend learned the hard way). But again, stay focused.

Here’s an example: you receive a ticket for not wearing your seat belt (well, hellloooo officer). Now,you didn’t harm anyone by not wearing your seat belt. But according to the ticket, you harmed the state. Literally, the state feels violated by your decision, and the only way to make the state feel better is with some of your hard earned dollars.

So why comply? Because it’s easier. You don’t have to miss work to go to court; they have an online feature so you can pay with your credit card; and let’s be honest, you knew the “law” and you broke it, so might as well, bend over and grab your ankles, right?

So what happens when you follow all the rules, you comply with the demands, and the desired result is still not achieved? When the code generators and their enforcers decide that the liberties are no longer extended to you, even though you did everything right, you are faced with a decision. You have to decide if you will sit down, shut up, and take whatever they give you; or, if you will remain vigilant and say “no, I’m not complying with this.”

As you may be aware (that is, if you listened to the phone conversation between staff of the Dekalb County Courthouse in Georgia – it’s provided below if you missed it), I was recently faced with this decision when I was denied my first amendment in Dekalb. Despite following the rules and submitting a request to exercise this liberty, members of the Dekalb county courthouse staff ignored my request. When I called to find out what was taking so long, i was first told,  such a request was never received.  After that it was made clear that no one knew what their job was and they never had to perform it before. The end result was that the request was flat out denied.

Well, I complied. I did not record the case. In fact, I didn’t even go. Actually, I got caught at home nursing the sick baby, but that’s trivial. With plenty of time to reflect on what had occurred, it came to this… We (as citizens) are told if we are not doing anything wrong, we have nothing to hide—to which many citizens abide by and even coerce others to comply with in an effort to dispel security threats and aid in creating a puppies and kittens utopia. These are the people Mr. Orwell and Mr. Huxley were warning us about.

Fortunately, we heeded their warnings; and, just as we knew big brother would be used against us, we have learned to use it for us. Just as we have been convinced to comply with rules that depreciate our privacy, on account of security; our constitution holds that our public servants are always under the scrutiny of the people. We are private citizens until we enter the courtroom; why is it that the proceedings within are forbidden from the eyes of outsiders, unless provided by the court’s reporter? While every citizen should be upset with this notion, we’re far from done.

Though I gave my best effort in getting the news out there that this courthouse doesn’t believe in the first amendment and did not wish recording to take place; someone did not get the message. Unfortunately for him, the judge was not pleased, and the proverbially hammer began its descent as the fearful court gave an immediate response of charges, detainment, and confiscation of the gentleman’s property.

I am at a loss to understand why these folks are so terrified of the first amendment. If they’re not doing anything wrong in the public courtroom, they should have nothing hide. Of course, based on our research, it’s more likely they are afraid of being caught not knowing what their job is.

The good news is,  some footage did come out of the courtroom before the broadcast was cut off. Here's one of the highlights. 

It's our understanding that felony charges were threatened for further filming, but that didn't stop Divine America from getting an exclusive; and if you think the fun stops there, it actually gets better.

Although, I couldn’t make the date in person, I’m happy to say that my imposter had no conflict in schedule. If you’re confused, imagine how the innocent women sitting beside my dear friend felt when the judge accused her of being me. While I am completely flattered by the judge’s assumption that I could be credited with coordinating some effort to disrupt his court; I am more blown away by the judge’s acknowledgment of receiving my request, and his desire to point an identifying finger at some unsuspecting woman in order to hold someone accountable. I hope she let the judge know that, too.

Especially in this case, where I have painted the actions as relevant to the mark of the beast; I’m going to charter us into new waters and ask: what is the power of the court?

Last time I addressed you from a biblical sense. This time, I’m taking a different approach and teaching you a little something about me. As many of you know, I’m a witch. I do not hide this fact, and I hope it doesn’t scare or offend any of you (cause it doesn’t change). With that out of the way, let’s get back on track.

When in fear, the mighty will point an accusing finger—one we’ve seen throughout history that has led to the torture, imprisonment, burning, hanging, drowning, and beheading of many—simply for being different in the eyes of their beholder.

Now, one of the many symbols recognized by most withes is the power of the pointed finger—a tool capable of transference of energy and power unto an object or person of choosing. The natural tool-the finger- may be replaced or represented by a variety of other objects such as the wand, or athame (that’s like a small knife for those of you who are unfamiliar). In court, the judge’s gavel is that very tool—transferring judgment upon its victim. So when the judge makes a judgment and points the conceptual finger at someone—accusing them of an identity—it becomes clearly evident the extent to which these courts will go in order to hold someone accountable for holding them accountable. Whew, that was a mouthful.

So, you still comfortable with being accused of being the non-compliant witch in that courtroom? Ha! Me neither!
More and more our rights—especially our first amendment—are being distorted and violated by authorities who feel it should be contained in “First Amendment Zones.” In some cases, rights are completely prohibited. If not for people like Mr. Santelli, these zones would be all we knew. Then it would be only a matter of time before we are required to sign waivers to participate in even the so-called free-speech zones. I suppose, as long as you don’t exercise you first amendment beyond those boundaries, you’ll stay out of jail, or in this case prison. Or you could stop doing nothing, and play by their rules by sending in your own request to record at the next court date (which is tentatively scheduled for October 10). If that’s not your cup of tea, simply being present is enough to show your support of our rights. It’s when we amass in support of one that we decide to stand against wrongful abuse of all. When we stop the courts from violating the constitution, we stop them from violating citizens and communities.