Friday, January 24, 2014

Connect the Dots

It’s time to play connect the dots folks. What do the educational system overhaul, the affordable healthcare movement, the legalization of marijuana, and the stripping of our constitutional rights all have in common? Simple: Controlling the herds.

Use your brain people, there’s a massive attack on folks homeschooling their children. More people are opting for homeschooling as the educational system adopts common core – a curriculum that literally zombifies children by treating them like brainless apes. It sets the expectation that upon graduation students will be work ready. First, in what country will there be jobs? If most of American companies are outsourcing and moving to automation what do you think will be left for people to do? Well, if we don’t become fat, Wall-E-ized, blobs only capable of movement because of motorized chairs; we’ll be subjected to monotonous jobs that require little brainpower or thought whatsoever.

Don’t want to do that? Don’t want your child’s future to be so bleak? Good luck! If your child goes to public school and can’t perform to the lessened criteria of common core (which actually is so dumb it causes the children who were capable of doing the work at an advanced level to be absolutely confused and treated as if they can’t perform), it is highly likely that the school will advise you to seek medical (and more than likely medicinal assistance). What’s that? You don’t want your child on some crazy medicine? Why not? I mean… you don’t want to be like these folks ( whose child was taken from them for refusing to put their child on meds. After all, you could choose to be more like these folks ( who fortunately cared enough about their 10-year old child to send her to public school. Unfortunately she’s dead because after several reports made to the Department of Family and Children Services regarding child abuse, no attempts were made to help her. Instead, after she was malnourished to about 30lbs, the parents were busted trying to burn the body in their garbage can in the front yard. But hey, we got those bastards now, and that girl’s memory will live on. Whereas, people who give a damn about their child enough to not subject them to the government-funded systems are ridiculed and confronted by DFACS; and as you can see in the story above – their children are removed from their custody…even if DFACS can’t maintain the well-being of the child.

SMH. Moving on.

Already you can begin to see the overlap of healthcare into schools, but it gets better. So now many Americans are losing coverage, paying more for it, or trying to avoid fines for not buying the coverage available. Right? So have you thought about why the government would want to destroy the insurance companies? Why would our government want to deal with peoples’ health? I mean, they can’t even balance a budget and we think they can write on health? Reminder, these are the same people approving pink slime, allowing diseased meat products to be consumed, support GMOs and Monsanto, have allowed toxic water to be consumed—need I go on? Remember, he who controls the food supply controls the masses. But I digress. We were talking about the healthcare reform – which is going to deliver a crushing blow to seniors, but they’re practically on deaths doorstep anyway, right? Funny how this administration is all about death and murder. I mean, they want tax payers to fund abortions. Don’t get me wrong: a woman’s right to choose is hers to make, she’s the one who has to live with her decision. In some cases, I actually think abortion should be more heavily considered, but I live by the Darwin concept that only the strong survive. Not that it’s relative here, the point is that abortions should be a private matter between a woman and her doctor. If the taxpayers have to pay, then we need to consider that more caution needs to be practiced and every abortion consideration should be run through those paying, don’tcha think? Again I digress. Sorry. Healthcare- so now the government has a clear view right into your body, knows what your ailments are and can prescribe something to make it all better, right? Or maybe there are some tests and experiments that need some human mice. Well, you won’t be told that, but I assure you… you will be convinced it is for your benefit.  So head to those concentration camps—I mean health clinics and get yourself checked. Don’t believe me? Don’t think this would ever happen? Neither did they.

Are you starting to see the dots?

If not… go smoke you one. That should help. Look, I’m not anti-legalization of marijuana. I’m anti-the-government-having-ever-put-their-hands-in-it. Hopefully you are already aware that the marijuana issue was decided by large companies (across the board from tobacco to clothing) that didn’t care for competition. But anyway, marijuana is making a comeback, and Mr. Obama is pushing it so hard he doesn’t care if his facts on the topic are completely wrong. In his statements regarding legalization he makes comparisons to alcohol and tobacco and suggests that marijuana is essentially no worse. Umm maybe what he meant to say is that marijuana would be a better choice than either, but that’s not what he said. Stay focused, though. It doesn’t matter what side of that you’re on. What happens when marijuana is legalized and being sold in cartons and taxed to death, and everyone in the country is stoned off their ass? Well, that simpleton job you have, you can now do it complacently. And who will control the marijuana flow at this point? What chemicals can we expect to be laced throughout our now legal substance? I don’t know, it seems to me that if I were a dictator and wanted to control the masses to such extents, I would certainly use what I know they want and I would manufacture it to serve my own purposes. And because we've been studying the human brain for so long, trust me, the science exists to completely obliterate a human’s rational thought and replace it with anything the controlling individual desires. Don’t think so? We could ask Aaron Alexis. Oh wait… no we can’t… he’s dead. Now, I’m not suggesting this was a side effect of any drug-related incident. What I’m saying is that it starts somewhere, and why not with the very drugs more than 70% of Americans (and who knows how many illegal immigrants) are fond of.

And we come to my concluding point…

First, understand what your constitutional rights are. This is not a document of laws. Constitutional rights are granted to us by our creator. They are conveniently jotted down by our founding fathers as a reminder. Over the years of America’s growth people have been convinced that these things can be altered, amended, adjusted, bent, broken, and twisted to satisfy an end goal of deprivation. Little by little there have been damages and infringements upon these rights which were never permission-based to begin with. Do not think for one second that just because these natural ideas and understandings were written down that it was for the purpose of satisfying needs of the times or that they can be subjected to human alterations. Shame on us for having forgotten that and allowed any amendments to be placed AT ALL. 

Among those “rights,” the right to bear arms has been under threat substantially. Why? Well, how can you be a good little sheep if you have weapons and the capability to defend yourself from that which you do not agree with? More and more we are seeing the greatest rise of the police state than we have seen throughout history. Answer this: when you wake up to the crappy educational system your child is enduring, and after you’ve refused their meds to zombify your child, and now DFACs is pounding on your door threatening to take your child (and yes, they show up with ARMED police officers), what will you do to protect your family? What will you use if you have complied with disarmament? You will do nothing but submit. What choice do you have, right? Do you think it will end there? Comply sheep, or you will be squashed is the new police motto. After all, it’s not a police officer’s duty to protect and serve as we once thought… rather they enforce the law. So what happens when the “law” puts you on the bad-guy side along with convicted killers and criminals? Good luck fighting them off when your right to bear arms has been stripped and you’ve sheepishly turned in your weapons.

There you have it. Dots connected. The future isn’t looking so good and now is the time to decide if you’ll stand or bow. I for one will stand. I will fight. I will not lay down my guns. You will have to pry them from my cold dead hands. I hope more of you will make the same vow.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Future worth Fighting For

There has been no greater study conducted than that of the psychology of man. The reason for this is heavily associated with man’s natural desire to control. As early as the dawn of human kind, the species has been enthralled with the mind and making it function in particular manner. To this very day, that is the only thing I remember about what I learned in psychology class in high school. Presumably so, because it was accompanied by this story about how cave man would deal with cave people who were acting peculiar. The resolve of these cave-chiefs was to bludgeon the fool in the head with a rock. Yes, this is how vulgar it was when I heard it. This method worked for a couple of reasons: 1) there was some kind of bump or something that was affected (I don’t really remember this reason much) and 2) the tactic usually resulted in death, thus preventing further unsolicited behavior.  That’s the important part if you ask me, so maybe that’s why I remember it so well.

Anyway, that’s not exactly why I’m jotting this today, but it is related. Today, I will (eventually) address a mission that I am personally on, and feel that we should all be on.

Now, my assumption is that if you are reading this, you are awake and aware of the current conditions surrounding our country, or at least you are aware on which side of those I stand. I think we all are also privy to what is necessary to come, and understand that it is nothing short of unpleasant. To summarize, we as citizens are being asked to defend the country with our lives in a civil war. Very summarized version obviously, and I’m all for it. Basically, civil war has to happen and is long overdue.

Unfortunately, no matter how much even the most powerful voices call for it, there will not be enough backing to warrant the slightest fear from our over-powered government.  (By the way, from here on out, let’s just make it clear that any reference to “the government,” “they,” “leaders,” “politicians,” or any other term in that regard, is the understood version reference to the “people we pay to run our country.”) And don’t misunderstand me as not supporting the cause when I say that.  It’s just a matter of fact that I have come to realize. You can ask me why, or just ask yourself.

Think about all those little things – those freedoms – we’ve lost. Think about our educational system. Think about the massive advance in our technology; and the speed at which we expect all things to occur. When you ask people to visualize all the things that have been taken from us, it becomes a laundry list of hardship with which not enough of our country wants to go through the “lengthy hassle” of dealing.
 Knowing what we know about man’s desire for control through psychology, and the amount of time and energy that has been - and continues to be - invested into its study; we have witnessed the tactics of tyranny evolve to include attacks on religion, education, general liberties, race, sex, community, medicine… oh hell, can you think of anything that we have held sacred and untouched from the government? We have been cultivated through all of these means to accept infringement of our rights, deterioration of our faiths, devaluation of our educational system, and perversion of our societies.

                Examples: When the leaders wanted to control the pagans: they changed the religion; when they want dumber citizens they “fix” the curriculums; when they want citizens disarmed they alter the law to make it illegal to own weapons; when they want weakened men they convince women they can be equally strong or stronger (and vice versa applies); when they want to maintain status quo of minority groups they destroy the community surrounding them and entrap them in that environment; when they want to control behaviors… they prescribe medication capable of doing it for you… they even give you what you want (legalized marijuana).

We have provided better rights for criminals under the guise that somehow punishment for crime should be comfortable and convenient for the criminal…or worse… “People can be rehabilitated.” Mass media has plagued our thoughts to surmise that the outside world is vile and full of wicked things about to happen to us and that is normal so just expect it. Big business and crooked politicians have left us to believe that the only way to achieve greatness is through greed and corruption.

The fact of the matter rests in what is in our nature to do. Just as animals prey upon animals, it is human nature to be violent – especially in defense of our lives. Once upon a time, this behavior was not so frowned upon, and there existed no conflict in the thought of taking another person’s life…gruesomely. This is why the Romans had gladiators fight to the bloody death – because people reveled in death fearlessly. They enjoyed it.  

It quickly becomes obvious to dictators wrought with power, that people who can kill so easily are a threat to the absoluteness of their power – hence civil wars. So, they implement little, seemingly, insignificant tactics that alter the way people think and behave (in this case, the opinion of killing others).  Many will comply because it’s easier, isn’t much to ask, makes sense to them, or because it seems like a good idea. After all, when any new law or invention is promised to be for the good of all, how could it be bad, right? Right. Only after the fact do we realize we just “passed the bill to find out what was in it,” and it wasn’t anything good at all.

So many millennia have been spent on perfecting these psychological tactics in an effort to create the dumbest version of a servant, that what’s left is the few who are bright enough to refuse totalitarian dictators on power trips.  Even amongst those few are some who will comply with certain aspects of tyranny to avoid inconvenience.

Let me drive this further home. Currently, there are over 100 million unemployed Americans. Now, I’m not sure if that number includes the homeless or even the American veterans who’ve been given the shaft as a reward for their service. What I do know is that there are at least 100 million people being tactfully thwarted by the government’s lack of initiative in progressive movements to reduce those numbers and thusly their involvement in squashing the spirit of Americans and transforming them into brainless servants.

Sadly, that’s what happens when the human spirit is defeated; mindless servitude is more easily endured and accepted than standing up and fighting for your life. After all… you can’t kill someone, right? That’s immoral and gross… and stuff. 

The battle to encourage people to stand for anything is an uphill one; let alone asking people to die for something they’ve (and probably generations before them) never experienced. It calls for a power we don’t have…

…Or do we? (Here’s where I make my point, by the way).

The government doesn’t fear an uprising because they are completely aware of the shattered spirit. When they feel like the citizens are getting out of line they induce something like Sandy Hook to get people back in place. Top that with people calling for the restoration of a country that has never been great for everyone while at the same time warning them of history’s dirty habit for repeating itself; what you get is conflict across the board. I mean, why should blacks fight to restore the country? They didn’t have any decent history worth repeating. The same can be said for any group of people.

To combat a future of enslavement and the negativity stacked up in the American mind, the country does not need to be restored. It needs to be refitted with an American dream that represents a future everyone wants. Politicians use this tactic to win elections, except they never deliver. They make promises of a better, forward-moving change while never detailing how that change should occur. Assured that this will be something we want is exactly how people like Obama end up in office, but I digress.

The point is that you can’t expect many to be part of something that gives them nothing to believe in, or something not worth their life. My mission is to give that back to people with real and feasible solutions that start at the community level.

Let’s be honest, we can’t all agree on everything and in most cases anything. But there is something we all should be united in: safety and well-being.  I mean, have you ever come across someone that wanted to be broken, ill, fearful, unhappy, etc? I haven’t. I mean, I met a lot of people in my life that were complete jerks and had unfavorable opinions, but for the most part, if someone wants to live in a world full of crime and hatred, well, they can take their unhealthy aspects on life and go to hell (or to some undesirable location to wither away on Earth for those of you that don’t believe in hell ^.~).

The fact remains, if we are not united in such simple-minded ideas as safety and well-being, we can’t begin to build communities that provide the inhabitants with peace of mind that comes with them. If we don’t have that peace of mind, we remain prisoners of our own fears – just like our government wants its little sheeple.

Great! How do we do that, right?

It’s easy to convince people that they need money to do anything, but that’s just not the case. Amazingly, the same things that thwart our uprising are the same tools we can use to bring about these necessary changes. Technology has been systematically abused to create lazy individuals with no commitment to anything that takes too long to accomplish. But it also allows us to reach out to supporters further away. Maybe you do have an idea and just no idea how to carry it out. Well, reach out my friend. Because in the world of YouTube celebrities the only voice that goes unheard is the one that doesn’t say a word.

How about volunteering your time at the city level to be part of your community’s development? Perhaps you could organize an event that brings neighbors together. In this day and age, we have the power to inspire people from oceans away to invest in projects that have the potential to promote community involvement and improvement.

The list of things you can do goes on, but the reality is that people need their hopes and dreams restored – not the country. The constitution needs restored and re-instituted, but not the country. The country needs a promising future, not avidly painted images of everything we’ve lost. Still not with me? The place to start is in identifying the future leaders of the America that will be. The people that will replace the leadership we’ll be throwing out when we launch our civil war (it’s just an assumption at this point that people in power want to stay in power and will abuse whoever serves their purpose in order to maintain that power, and thusly, we will have no choice, but to kick their ass personally from here to next week to get them out of office).

However, new leaders will have a lot to bring to the table. Our country is in turmoil because no one can trust anyone. Particularly, anyone seeking a role of power cannot be trusted. We need leaders that are completely transparent and bring real, feasible plans that give people something worth fighting for: an America we can all believe in because she represents exactly what she was designed for (uhh… after we took it from the natives… sorry about that y’all…unfortunately we can’t go back in time, so how bout we just let bygones be bygones and fix this mess together, eh?).

We can all start by looking in the mirror, working right in our own backyards… My mission has me starting right here in Snellvile, GA. Where does yours begin?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy Belated New Year's

Color me not as on top of it as every other person with a blog who got their New Year's blog out on New New Year's. Honestly, I thought about letting the old blog go, until I realized there was a nifty editing feature that allowed me to change everything - right down to the link. That said, I got the idea last night to revamp the blog. Don't you love it? No? Well, it's a work in progress, and honestly not bad for being thrown together in a couple of hours. Anyway, I figured it's a new year; a good time for reflection, transformations, and goal setting. Believe it or not, my "Year of Completions" went very well, and have immensely contributed to the goals of this year. I'll get into that later, though.

While I love the idea of a clean slate, I felt it was important to keep the entries from the previous year... kinda like reminders of where I came from. As I said, the experiences from the past year have significantly contributed to my vision for this year. There's a reason I stopped writing last year, and it's something that will be changed this year. Writing will become a focal point this year; and not just this blog. I'll be contributing to a site (Zen In The Car) on topics of activism, community involvement, and possibly spirituality, as well as working on that series I was talking about last year. It finally has a beginning.

Of course, my motherly and homeschool-teacherly duties will be first and foremost in importance. However, as you know, I am an American at heart and believe in what my country stands for. Initially, my thinking was short of a war, things weren't going to get any better. But after some thinking I realized how shallow of an idea that was. After all, what happens afterwards? I came to understand that if you want something done... you have to do it yourself. Coupling this theory with the fact that I can't afford a nice mansion somewhere in the US where government won't affect me, I figured, I should probably start right at home. Thus, as part of my goals this year, I'll be volunteering to some boards and commissions for the city of Snellville. My hope is that I'll learn enough to run for an elected position next year or the following term.

Because support is necessary for any goal, I think it's important to mention how excited I am for these challenges I'm about to embark on and thankful for the support I've been shown by my family and friends. As a supporter of the equal rights of all Americans, and a firm believer in the Constitution I have maintained connection with a network of like-minded people called the Constitutional Security Force (CSF). The CSF will be taking it's place as support for the Three Percent and Boots on the Ground (BOG) (America's militia lead by Chief Mark Kessler of Gilberton, PA). This movement calling for the attention of the Georgia chapter's leaders has provided me the honor and privilege of serving the chapter to accomplish preserving America's freedoms.

Anyway, it's simply too early in the year to discuss everything, but I did want to try and post something close to the New Year. I'm sure y'all understand. I also want to encourage everyone to get on their own Year of Completions movement. Not just resolutions - real, tangible things you intend on accomplishing this year. I promise, with focus and purpose there's nothing you can't do. Let's make some magic this year, folks. ^.~